The Health Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium Glycinate

Did you know that nearly half the population of Australia doesn’t consume enough magnesium? This nutrient is essential to our health. Magnesium Glycinate, with its superior bioavailability, emerges as a prominent supplement choice. This enhancement ensures effective nutrient intake. Viewed as a crucial element in health maintenance, it offers multiple benefits. These range from strengthening bones to aiding in migraine management.

Magnesium Glycinate, a combination of elemental magnesium and the amino acid glycine, is a powerful health ally. It plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health. By assisting in regulating blood pressure and reducing chronic disease risks, such as type 2 diabetes and heart conditions, it proves invaluable. Furthermore, it offers relief from symptoms of magnesium deficiency, including fatigue and irregular heart rhythms. Incorporating this supplement into your diet could be a wise decision for those conscious about their health.

Key Takeaways

  • Magnesium Glycinate offers superior bioavailability for enhanced nutrient absorption.
  • Supplementing with Magnesium Glycinate can be pivotal for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
  • It plays a significant role in the prevention and management of various chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Magnesium Glycinate may alleviate symptoms associated with magnesium deficiency.
  • Essential for bone health, this supplement aids in strengthening bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  • A reliable choice for those prone to migraines, it can contribute to reducing the frequency and severity of headaches.

Understanding Magnesium Glycinate and Its Importance

In the realm of human health, understanding the unique benefits of magnesium glycinate is crucial. This form of magnesium, when combined with the amino acid glycine, boasts superior bioavailability. This enhanced absorption offers a significant advantage over other forms, such as magnesium oxide. It ensures that the body can utilize magnesium more efficiently, making it a preferred choice for nutritional supplementation.

What is Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium Glycinate is derived from the union of magnesium and glycine, an amino acid with both structural and calming roles in the human body. Its bioavailability is markedly superior, facilitating seamless absorption into the bloodstream via the small intestine. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals with magnesium deficiencies, making it an essential compound for tackling such health concerns effectively.

Why Your Body Needs Magnesium

The necessity of magnesium in the body spans numerous functions. It acts as a catalyst in over 300 enzymatic reactions, those vital for muscle and nerve function, blood pressure regulation, and more. Additionally, it contributes to protein synthesis, bone health, DNA formation, and glucose management. The critical role of magnesium in these processes highlights its significance in ensuring the body’s overall health and vitality.

Magnesium Form Bioavailability Common Uses
Magnesium Glycinate High Correcting deficiencies, nerve function, metabolic support
Magnesium Oxide Lower Laxative, digestive aid
Magnesium Citrate Moderate Laxative, magnesium replenishment
Magnesium Chloride Good Topical applications, magnesium replenishment

To grasp the significance of magnesium glycinate, one must appreciate its pivotal role in addressing magnesium deficiencies. Choosing a supplement that your body can recognize and utilize efficiently is crucial. This approach is indispensable in optimizing your health and ensuring your body’s magnesium needs are met effectively.

A Key Solution for Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium Deficiency Solutions

A significant portion of the populace grapples with magnesium deficiency, led by common factors such as diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and various medication uses. This deficiency manifests in a spectrum from fatigue and nausea to severe complications like muscle cramps and seizures.

In both Australia and the United States, a staggering estimate suggests up to half the population might not achieve sufficient levels of magnesium. This alarming fact underscores the urgency of finding effective treatments. Magnesium Glycinate rises as a paramount solution, distinguished by its superior absorption and gentle replenishment of magnesium reserves.

Consider the following aspects that delineate how Magnesium Glycinate emerges as a crucial remedy for magnesium deficiency:

  • Its remarkable tolerability renders it ideal for individuals with delicate systems or existing health challenges.
  • It plays a critical role in replenishing the body’s magnesium levels, fostering holistic wellness and averting deficiency symptoms.
  • Its efficacy in addressing symptoms linked to a variety of ailments, including diabetes and IBD, positions it as a multifaceted supplement for those in need of continuous support.
  • Given its minimal risk of adverse interactions with medications, it stands out as a safer alternative for those juggling multiple health issues.

In conclusion, Magnesium Glycinate presents a formidable option for those dealing with specific health concerns like diabetes and IBD or attempting to mitigate nutrient deficiencies induced by medication. Its integration into your daily health regime could markedly enhance your magnesium levels and overall well-being.

Boosting Bone Health with Magnesium

Understanding magnesium’s pivotal role in sustaining bone health is essential for those aiming to strengthen their skeleton and diminish their osteoporosis risk. We will explore how this crucial mineral fortifies your body’s backbone.

The Role of Magnesium in Bone Density

Magnesium plays a critical part in bone tissue’s structural development. Its effect on bone mineral density is significant. It acts as a cofactor for enzymes that facilitate bone formation and modulates the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts—cells tasked with bone remodeling. A sufficient magnesium intake is linked with enhanced bone crystal formation, resulting in denser, more robust bones.

Magnesium's contribution to bone health

Magnesium’s Impact on Osteoporosis Prevention

Emphasizing magnesium is vital in a holistic osteoporosis prevention strategy. Studies indicate a correlation between magnesium scarcity and a heightened osteoporosis risk, as inadequate levels may lead to more fragile bones. Magnesium, especially as Magnesium Glycinate, aids in crafting a stronger bone matrix, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis and promoting enduring bone health.

Summarily, magnesium significantly influences bone density and overall skeletal health. By ensuring adequate consumption of this crucial nutrient, through diet or supplements like Magnesium Glycinate, you secure your bones’ longevity—a wise decision for your future wellbeing.

Stabilising Blood Sugar and Managing Diabetes

If you’re grappling with diabetes management, the significance of maintaining blood sugar control is doubtlessly known to you. Insulin sensitivity, crucial for these levels, can be negatively impacted by insulin resistance. At this juncture, Magnesium Glycinate could prove to be a beneficial supplementary ally.

Magnesium Glycinate for Blood Sugar Control

Those who have elevated blood sugar levels may encounter a magnesium shortage. This is often due to excessive glucose prompting frequent urination, which depletes magnesium. Additionally, diabetes medications might exacerbate magnesium loss. Implementing Magnesium Glycinate supplements could play a key role in mitigating these problems.

By enhancing your magnesium levels, you could effectively improve your body’s glucose management capabilities. This action not only augments your present health status but also embarks on a preventative journey towards sustained blood sugar control.

  • Maintaining steady blood sugar levels
  • Improving insulin response and efficiency
  • Reducing risks associated with insulin resistance

Although the benefits of Magnesium Glycinate in diabetes management are apparent, consultation with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement is imperative. This step ensures that the supplementation plan aligns well with your specific health requirements and medical history, thus optimising your health outcomes.

The Cardiovascular Advantages of Magnesium Glycinate

To enhance your cardiovascular health, acknowledging Magnesium Glycinate’s significant influence is crucial. This compound is not only pivotal for heart health but also plays a crucial role in blood pressure reduction and stroke prevention. It serves to fortify the cardiovascular system markedly.

Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally

Magnesium Glycinate stands out for its ability to naturally modulate blood pressure. It functions as a vasodilator, reducing tension in blood vessels and enabling better blood flow. This attribute is essential for those striving to maintain healthy blood pressure levels without excessive medication dependence.

Reducing the Risk of Stroke and Heart Disease

Proactively managing stroke risk is vital for heart health. Regular consumption of Magnesium Glycinate reduces stroke and heart disease risk factors. With its capacity to control hypertension—a primary stroke precursor—this supplement becomes indispensable for enduring health.

Health Aspect Beneficial Effect of Magnesium Glycinate
Blood Pressure Management Maintains normal vessel dilation and reduces hypertension
Heart Rhythm Stability Supports regular cardiac rhythms and prevents arrhythmias
Stroke Risk Reduction Lowers incidence of strokes by addressing key risk factors
Overall Cardiovascular Health Enhances heart function and combats diabetes-related cardiovascular conditions

Magnesium Glycinate for Healthy Blood Pressure

Magnesium Glycinate offers more than just symptom management; it is integral for a vibrant, healthy life. Considering cardiovascular diseases are a major health issue, wise supplementation like this fosters a more robust heart health narrative.

Combatting Stress and Anxiety with Magnesium

The path to overcoming the burden of anxiety and stress may seem daunting. Yet, it could be simpler than one might anticipate. Integrating specific nutrients into your diet, particularly Magnesium Glycinate, could significantly aid in achieving mental equilibrium. This mineral is an invaluable asset for nurturing mental peace.

stress management with magnesium

The benefits of Magnesium for physical health are well-documented, yet its impact on mental health is profoundly beneficial. In our rapid, stress-filled lives, appreciating the significance of this essential mineral in combating stress and anxiety is crucial. It’s a key step towards a more balanced existence.

Magnesium’s Calming Effects on the Nervous System

Under stress, the nervous system can spiral out of control, resembling an unmanageable train. Introducing Magnesium Glycinate into your regimen acts as a regulatory force. It moderates neurotransmitters responsible for communication within the brain and nervous system. Additionally, it attaches to GABA receptors, easing nervous activity.

Supplementation for Improved Mental Well-being

Addressing stress and anxiety’s challenges might seem formidable. However, supplementing with Magnesium Glycinate offers a beacon of hope. Regard it as a form of nutritional therapy—gentle yet effective. This natural strategy decreases the distress associated with anxiety and stress, leading to a calmer existence.

The case for Magnesium Glycinate’s role in mental health enhancement is compelling, supported by both research and anecdotal evidence. Its support for the nervous system, alongside the promotion of stress relief and anxiety reduction, not only betters mental states. It profoundly uplifts life’s overall quality.

Magnesium Glycinate as an Ally Against Migraines

If you’re among the many who suffer from migraines, you’re likely acquainted with the severe discomfort they instigate. However, encouraging developments suggest a potential stratagem: increasing magnesium levels may substantially mitigate migraine occurrences. Research indicates individuals suffering from migraines frequently exhibit reduced magnesium levels compared to those unaffected. Given magnesium’s pivotal role in nerve functioning and blood circulation, the high bioavailability of Magnesium Glycinate positions it as a noteworthy supplement for migraine alleviation.

Magnesium Glycinate and Migraine Prevention

Magnesium Glycinate’s efficacy extends beyond merely enhancing magnesium levels; it’s also recognized for its potential in curbing both the frequency and severity of migraine episodes. By fortifying nerve cells against overexcitation—a common precursor to migraines—this supplement emerges as an indispensable element within a comprehensive migraine prevention scheme. The essence of its effectiveness hinges on sustaining consistent magnesium levels; thus, supplementing with Magnesium Glycinate could significantly minimize the occurrence and intensity of migraines.

  1. Regular Intake: Continuous consumption of Magnesium Glycinate ensures magnesium levels remain optimal.
  2. Nerve Stabilization: It contributes to nerve tranquility, potentially averting migraines induced by nerve irritation.
  3. Vascular Health: Enhanced vascular health contributes to mitigating migraine precipitants.

Adopting Magnesium Glycinate into your daily supplement routine may offer a proactive measure in reducing migraines’ impact on your well-being. While supplements offer tangible benefits, they should ideally complement a nourishing diet and robust lifestyle. Prior to commencing any new supplement, such as Magnesium Glycinate, particularly for addressing specific ailments like migraines, seeking advice from a medical professional is highly recommended.

Alleviating Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Symptoms

For many, the approach of menstruation heralds a range of discomforts, necessitating PMS relief for normalcy. Nutrition is crucial in symptom management, with Magnesium Glycinate highlighted for its therapeutic effects.

Magnesium Glycinate for PMS relief

Menstrual cramps can significantly disrupt daily activities. The adoption of Magnesium Glycinate, noted for its muscle-relaxing attributes, marks a transformative step. This supplement is advocated for its efficacy in alleviating menstrual pain through natural means.

Easing Cramps and Emotional Fluctuations

The menstrual cycle can introduce considerable discomfort, primarily from cramps. The effectiveness of Magnesium Glycinate in providing relief is significant, mitigating the muscular tension and spasms at the pain’s core. It also stands out for its capacity to offer emotional support, a critical aspect, given the psychological symptoms’ impact parallels the physical.

Nutritional Support During the Menstrual Cycle

Balancing nutrition is vital, with Magnesium Glycinate playing a crucial role during menstruation. It extends beyond alleviating discomfort to supplying essential nutrients. These contribute to an individual’s overall health and lessen the intensity of PMS symptoms, positioning it as a core component of a holistic approach to menstrual health.

Enhancing Sleep Quality Through Supplementation

Exploring dietary supplements can reveal significant pathways to better sleep. Sleep quality improvement closely links with certain supplements, notably Magnesium Glycinate. This compound, celebrated for fostering restful sleep, is emerging as a key addition to nighttime regimes. Its benefits are partially attributed to its impact on GABA activity, crucial for nervous system relaxation and promoting calm.

The mineral’s calming effect on the brain underpins its essential role for those seeking better sleep. It facilitates a more peaceful slumber. If restlessness plagues your nights, Magnesium Glycinate could become your peaceful sleep ally.

  • Magnesium Glycinate interlocks with GABA receptors, initiating restful sleep.
  • Its regular consumption might address various sleep issues faced by many.
  • Heightened GABA activity fosters a tranquil state, enhancing sleep onset and duration.

The compound not only reduces sleep latency but also elevates sleep quality, mitigating occasional insomnia for improved day-to-day function.

Comparing Magnesium Glycinate with other sleep aids offers insightful distinctions:

Supplement Effect on GABA Activity Impact on Sleep Quality Additional Health Benefits
Magnesium Glycinate Increases Improves deep and restful sleep Aids with anxiety and muscle relaxation
Valerian Root Increases May improve sleep onset time Helps to relieve stress
Melatonin N/A Regulates sleep-wake cycles Antioxidant properties
L-theanine Unknown May improve relaxation before sleep Promotes focus and mental clarity

Magnesium Glycinate extends beyond a simple sleep aid—it enriches overall well-being. As you pursue sleep quality improvement, embrace this element in your health kit. Embodying a rejuvenated morning and vibrant life, it lays the foundation for optimal health.

Addressing Heart Arrhythmias with Magnesium

In the realm of heart rhythm regulation, magnesium therapy often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. For those experiencing palpitations or erratic heartbeats, recognizing magnesium’s function within your bodily electrical framework is key. Magnesium Glycinate, in particular, with its high absorbency, emerges as a significant contributor in arrhythmia treatment.

The critical role magnesium plays in heart health is widely acknowledged, yet its application in arrhythmia treatment is frequently underestimated. Disturbances in the heart’s electrolyte equilibrium can lead to dangerous arrhythmic disorders. In such scenarios, Magnesium Glycinate supplementation can effectively reinstate balance, showing marked efficacy.

Magnesium shines in heart rhythm regulation due to its role as a natural calcium channel inhibitor, managing calcium’s entry into cardiac cells. This alleviates heart muscle tension, lessening the likelihood of arrhythmias. For patients undergoing arrhythmia treatment, introducing magnesium therapy could substantially enhance therapeutic results, stabilizing cardiac rhythms.

Integrating magnesium therapy with standard arrhythmia care could revolutionize patient outcomes, presenting a minimally invasive tactic for managing heart rhythms.

Magnesium therapy’s practical application in clinical settings is illuminated below. The table underscores instances where magnesium has shown clinical benefits:

Arrhythmia Type Magnesium Therapy Benefits Additional Comments
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) May reduce the frequency of episodes Patient-specific dosage recommended
Ventricular Arrhythmias Helps stabilize ventricular muscle excitability Commonly employed in emergency situations
Torsades de Pointes Considered the primary emergency intervention to stop arrhythmias Highly effective for those with a magnesium deficiency

Magnesium therapy is best viewed as an adjunct to conventional arrhythmia treatment measures, undertaken with a healthcare provider’s input. The accumulating evidence of its benefits suggests that integrating Magnesium Glycinate supplements might not only regulate your heart’s rhythm but also enhance your general well-being.

Magnesium Glycinate’s Role in Pain Reduction

Chronic pain presents a significant barrier to comfort and well-being, making effective relief strategies essential. Within this context, magnesium glycinate emerges as a noteworthy adjunct to traditional pain management approaches. It achieves recognition particularly for its efficacy in treating fibromyalgia. This supplement could open new pathways to mitigating pain, offering solace to those afflicted.

The bioavailability of magnesium glycinate makes it a superior choice for enhancing the body’s pain regulation. For individuals enduring continuous pain, this is crucial. Magnesium is instrumental in nerve function and muscle relaxation, mitigating the relentless discomfort associated with conditions like fibromyalgia.

The effectiveness of magnesium in pain alleviation is well-documented:

  • Pain relief: Research indicates magnesium’s ability to bind with specific brain and nervous system receptors, which diminishes pain perception and generates a soothing sensation.
  • Chronic pain management: By relaxing muscles, magnesium helps prevent cramps and spasms that frequently afflict those with chronic pain syndromes.
  • Fibromyalgia treatment: Given their often-lower magnesium levels, individuals with fibromyalgia may find symptomatic relief through magnesium glycinate supplementation.

Comparing magnesium to other chronic pain interventions offers insightful contrasts:

Intervention Benefits Considerations
Magnesium Glycinate Non-addictive, muscle relaxation, well-tolerated Enhances nutrient absorption in combination with glycine
Traditional Pain Medications Provides immediate pain relief Possibility of dependency, various side-effects
Physical Therapy Supports mobility, long-term improvement Demands consistent engagement

In the sphere of fibromyalgia treatment, incorporating magnesium glycinate can complement established management protocols. Its notable capacity to enhance pain relief situates it as a vital support. This becomes particularly apparent whether you’re navigating daily activities or engaging in physical exertion.

However, prior to initiating magnesium glycinate or any new treatment, consulting a healthcare provider is imperative. Your path to alleviating pain is uniquely yours. Magnesium glycinate could represent the pivotal element you’ve been seeking in your quest for improved health.

Navigating the Use of Magnesium Glycinate Supplements

Beginning a regimen of Magnesium Glycinate supplements requires an in-depth comprehension of several critical aspects for their secure and productive utilization. This includes a comprehensive evaluation of the correct dosage, an alertness to potential drug interactions, and the ability to identify signs of magnesium excess. Each step is essential in navigating this path effectively.

Correct Dosage and Administration

The necessity of precise supplement dosage cannot be overstated. The advised dietary allowances for magnesium differ, influenced by an individual’s age and gender. A consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial. This ensures a customized dosage that considers your health condition and any concurrent supplement or medication usage.

Understanding Potential Drug Interactions

Magnesium Glycinate’s interaction with various drugs, like some diuretics, antibiotics, and osteoporosis treatments, requires attention. To prevent adverse effects, it’s vital to disclose all current medications to your healthcare provider. This fosters a safer incorporation of the supplement into your healthcare plan.

Recognising the Signs of Excess Magnesium

An overabundance of magnesium poses health risks. Symptoms such as diarrhoea, nausea, fatigue, muscle weakness, and severe cardiac complications indicate magnesium overdose. Should these symptoms arise, seek immediate medical consultation. Prompt action is crucial to avoiding significant health issues.

Natural Sources of Magnesium in Your Diet

While Magnesium Glycinate supplements offer benefits, incorporating naturally occurring magnesium sources in your diet is crucial. A diversified dietary pattern, rich in magnesium, supports holistic nutrition practices. With a pivotal role in over 300 enzymatic processes, magnesium is vital for generating energy and maintaining heart health. Nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods stand out as prime contributors towards fulfilling your daily magnesium requirements.

Leafy greens, including spinach and kale, rank among the top sources for dietary magnesium. Nuts, such as almonds and cashews, along with seeds like pumpkin and chia, are also laden with this essential mineral. By adding them to your porridge or yogurt, you enhance your meals with a magnesium boost. Additionally, beans and lentils offer appreciable amounts of magnesium, augmenting your diet with both fiber and essential minerals for holistic well-being.

Whole grains, for instance, brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread, are imbued with both fiber and magnesium. Certain varieties of fish, including mackerel and salmon, provide omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium, aiding in a heart-healthy diet. Making informed dietary choices enables you to achieve sufficient magnesium intake, diminishing the dependency on supplements. Every consumption of these magnesium-enriched foods signifies an investment in your body’s essential nutrient reservoir.


What is Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium Glycinate, a supplement, marries elemental magnesium with glycine, an amino acid. This fusion creates a compound celebrated for its superior bioavailability. It seamlessly assimilates into the body, offering an effective method to bolster magnesium levels. This elevation supports an array of health benefits.

Why does your body need Magnesium?

Magnesium stands as a cornerstone for myriad vital bodily processes. It presides over muscle and nerve function, modulates blood pressure, and is pivotal in synthesizing proteins, bones, and DNA. Crucially involved in blood sugar regulation and general body functions, its role is indispensable for optimal health maintenance.

How can Magnesium Glycinate combat magnesium deficiency?

The efficacy of Magnesium Glycinate in negating magnesium deficiency stems from its exceptional absorption capabilities. Various conditions, including diabetes and IBD, alongside certain medications and alcohol consumption, can impair magnesium levels. By incorporating Magnesium Glycinate, one can replenish these levels, mitigating symptoms like fatigue, and nausea, and easing muscle cramps.

What role does Magnesium play in bone density?

For bone health, magnesium’s role is paramount. It orchestrates bone mineral regulation, fostering the development of robust bones. This not only mitigates the risk of osteoporosis but also wards off other bone-associated ailments.

How does Magnesium Glycinate help with blood sugar control and diabetes management?

Magnesium Glycinate’s contribution to stabilizing blood sugar lies in its capacity to enhance insulin sensitivity and facilitate blood sugar regulation. In the context of diabetes, it plays a defensive role against magnesium depletion caused by heightened urination or medication impacts. This support anchors superior glycaemic management.

Can Magnesium Glycinate improve cardiovascular health?

Indeed, the cardiovascular advantages of Magnesium Glycinate are multifold. Its capacity for naturally diminishing blood pressure, slicing the risk of stroke, and addressing diabetes-induced cardiovascular complications is noteworthy. It ensures a steady heartbeat rhythm, thus promoting heart health comprehensively.

How does Magnesium Glycinate alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety?

The soothing influence of Magnesium Glycinate on the nervous system is of great significance. It posseses the potential to curtail mental distress by alleviating anxiety, diminishing symptoms of depression, and managing stress levels. Such supplementation may usher in enhanced mental well-being alongside an uplifted quality of life.

Can Magnesium Glycinate help with migraine prevention?

Migraine sufferers frequently exhibit low magnesium levels. Leveraging Magnesium Glycinate could curtail the frequency and intensity of migraines. This provides relief to those beleaguered by this debilitating condition.

How does Magnesium Glycinate decrease PMS symptoms?

Its efficacy in soothing menstrual cramps and stabilizing emotional variances during Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) underscores the value of Magnesium Glycinate. It delivers nutritional support throughout the menstrual cycle, potentially lessening the severity of PMS manifestations.

In what ways does Magnesium Glycinate enhance sleep quality?

By engaging GABA receptors in the brain, Magnesium Glycinate amplifies sleep quality. It fosters relaxation, addressing sleep irregularities effectively. Regular utilization can combat various sleep disturbances, including sporadic insomnia, ushering in more restorative sleep.

How does Magnesium Glycinate address heart arrhythmias?

Magnesium Glycinate’s capacity to normalize heart rhythms can be instrumental in addressing arrhythmias. It thus becomes a critical supplement for those dedicated to sustaining heart health and managing irregular heartbeat issues.

What is the role of Magnesium Glycinate in pain reduction?

Acknowledged for its pain alleviation properties, Magnesium Glycinate tackles various pain forms, including those stemming from fibromyalgia. It may bolster exercise performance, playing a part in comprehensive pain management endeavors.

How should Magnesium Glycinate supplements be used correctly?

The effectiveness and safety of Magnesium Glycinate supplements hinge on precise dosage and application. Consulting a healthcare professional to ascertain suitable dosage and comprehend possible drug interactions is imperative. Awareness of the signs of magnesium excess is crucial to avert adverse consequences.

What are some natural sources of magnesium?

Despite the benefits of Magnesium Glycinate supplements, the importance of natural magnesium sources remains. Integrating diverse unprocessed foods into one’s diet, including leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, whole grains, and selected fish, facilitates meeting daily magnesium requisites.

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